Sonntag, 29. Januar 2012

VDF: Saturday at Night

Track: Tiger Baby- Moved Me
''Just because i think i finally had it want to tell you i was Wrong, and there is a chance I'm being melodramatic''
Bag from H&M/Tasche H&M

This Saturday, spending the whole night in the city, in search of a good Place.
We spent some hours in a nice cocktail bar, then some hours wandering in the city.
Some words to my Outfit: I decide to keep it simple, just wore a highwisted shorts with a Gre sweater  with a Collar and some striking earrings.//////
Samstag, fast die ganze Nacht draußen in der Innenstadt verbracht, auf der Suche nach einem netten Örtchen.
Die ersten Stunden in einer Cocktailbar verbracht, danach in der Stadt ein wenig rumgeiirt.
Paar Wörter zu meinen Outfit: ich beschloss mich relativ simpel zu kleiden, Highwaisted Shorts, Pullover mit Kragen und paar auffallende Ohrringe.

4 Kommentare:

  1. Dein Outfit- mal wieder richtig klasse! (:

  2. Love the styling! I definitely need a gorgeous coat like that.xx

  3. You look like such a rock star! We really love the way you've styled this! The denim is awesome! XO from NYC!

    Wardrobe Stylists, NYC


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